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This hook returns a ReactFlowInstance that can be used to update nodes and edges, manipulate the viewport, or query the current state of the flow.

import { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import { useReactFlow } from '@xyflow/react';
export function NodeCounter() {
  const reactFlow = useReactFlow();
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  const countNodes = useCallback(() => {
    // you need to pass it as a dependency if you are using it with useEffect or useCallback
    // because at the first render, it's not initialized yet and some functions might not work.
  }, [reactFlow]);
  return (
      <button onClick={countNodes}>Update count</button>
      <p>There are {count} nodes in the flow.</p>


Nodes and edges

(id: string) => Node<T> | undefined
(id: string) => InternalNode<T> | undefined
() => Node<T>[]
(payload: Node<T>[] | Node<T>) => void
Add one or many nodes to your existing nodes array. Calling this function will trigger the onNodesChange handler in a controlled flow.
(payload: Node<T>[] | ((nodes: Node<T>[]) => Node<T>[])) => void
Set your nodes array to something else by either overwriting it with a new array or by passing in a function to update the existing array. If using a function, it is important to make sure a new array is returned instead of mutating the existing array. Calling this function will trigger the onNodesChange handler in a controlled flow.
(id: string) => Edge<U> | undefined
() => Edge<U>[]
(payload: Edge<U>[] | Edge<U>) => void
Add one or many edges to your existing edges array. Calling this function will trigger the onEdgesChange handler in a controlled flow.
(payload: Edge<U>[] | ((edges: Edge<U>[]) => Edge<U>[])) => void
Set your edges array to something else by either overwriting it with a new array or by passing in a function to update the existing array. If using a function, it is important to make sure a new array is returned instead of mutating the existing array. Calling this function will trigger the onEdgesChange handler in a controlled flow.
() => ReactFlowJsonObject<T, U>
This function returns a JSON representation of your current React Flow graph.
(id: string, nodeUpdate: Partial<NodeType> | ((node: NodeType) => Partial<NodeType>), options?: { replace: boolean }) => void
(id: string, dataUpdate: Partial<NodeType['data']> | ((edge: NodeType) => Partial<NodeType['data']>), options?: { replace: boolean }) => void
(id: string, edgeUpdate: Partial<EdgeType> | ((node: EdgeType) => Partial<EdgeType>), options?: { replace: boolean }) => void
(id: string, dataUpdate: Partial<EdgeType['data']> | ((edge: EdgeType) => Partial<EdgeType['data']>), options?: { replace: boolean }) => void
({ type, nodeId, id }: { type: HandleType, nodeId: string, id?: string | null }) => HandleConnection[]
Get all the connections of a handle belonging to a specific node. The type parameter be either 'source' or 'target'.
(nodes: (NodeType | InternalNode | string)[]) => Rect
Returns the bounds of the given nodes or node ids.


(node: (Partial<Node<T>> & { id: Node["id"] }) | Rect, partially?: boolean, nodes?: Node<T>[]) => Node<T>[]
Find all the nodes currently intersecting with a given node or rectangle. The partially parameter can be set to true to include nodes that are only partially intersecting.
(node: (Partial<Node<T>> & { id: Node["id"] }) | Rect, area: Rect, partially?: boolean) => boolean
Determine if a given node or rectangle is intersecting with another rectangle. The partially parameter can be set to true return true even if the node is only partially intersecting.

Viewport fields

React Flow needs to mount the viewport to the DOM and initialize its zoom and pan behaviour. This property tells you when
(options?: { duration: number; }) => void
(options?: { duration: number; }) => void
(zoomLevel: number, options?: { duration: number; }) => void
Zoom the viewport to a given zoom level. Passing in a duration will animate the viewport to the new zoom level.
() => number
Get the current zoom level of the viewport.
(viewport: Viewport, options?: { duration: number; }) => void
() => Viewport
(fitViewOptions?: FitViewOptions) => boolean
(x: number, y: number, options?: { duration: number, zoom: number; }) => void
Center the viewport on a given position. Passing in a duration will animate the viewport to the new position.
(bounds: Rect, options?: { duration: number, padding: number; }) => void
A low-level utility function to fit the viewport to a given rectangle. By pasing in a duration, the viewport will animate from its current position to the new position. The padding option can be used to add space around the bounds.
(position: { x: number; y: number; }) => { x: number; y: number; }
With this function you can translate a screen pixel position to a flow position. It is useful for implemting drag and drop from a sidebar for example.
(position: { x: number; y: number; }) => { x: number; y: number; }
Translate a position inside the flow's canvas to a screen pixel position.


This hook accepts a generic type argument of custom node & edge types. See this section in our Typescript guide for more information.

const reactFlow = useReactFlow<CustomNodeType, CustomEdgeType>();
