LearnAdvanced Use

Uncontrolled Flow

There are two ways to use React Flow - controlled or uncontrolled. Controlled means, that you are in control of the state of the nodes and edges. In an uncontrolled flow the state of the nodes and edges is handled by React Flow internally. In this part we will show you how to work with an uncontrolled flow.

An implementation of an uncontrolled flow is simpler, because you don’t need to pass any handlers:

export default function App() {
  const data: string = "world"

  return <h1>Hello {data}</h1>


As you can see, we are passing defaultEdgeOptions to define that edges are animated. This is helpful, because you can’t use the onConnect handler anymore to pass custom options to a newly created edge. Try to connect “Node B” with “Node C” and you see that the new edge is animated.

Updating Nodes and Edges

Since you don’t have nodes and edges in your local state, you can’t update them directly. To do so, you need to use the React Flow instance that comes with functions for updating the internal state. You can receive the instance via the onInit callback or better by using the useReactFlow hook. Let’s create a button that adds a new node at a random position. For this, we are wrapping our flow with the ReactFlowProvider and use the addNodes function.


The Flow component in this example is wrapped with the ReactFlowProvider to use the useReactFlow hook.

export default function App() {
  const data: string = "world"

  return <h1>Hello {data}</h1>
